Fuses Ford Aerostar, 1985 - 1997

Table of Contents

Ford Aerostar is Ford's first minivan. Produced in two generations in 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997. In this publication you will find a description of the fuses in a Ford Aerostar and its location.

Fuse box

The main fuse box is located in the passenger compartment to the left of the driver's foot, behind the bonnet release handle.

1 Stop light, turn signal, emergency lamp.
2 Windscreen wipers and glass washers.
3 Reserve
4 Headlights, parking lights, horn.
5 Instrument set, rear window heater switch, reversing lamp.
6 Wiper and glass rear window washer (power windows, radio lighting, overhead interior lighting.
7 Reserve.
8 Clock, radio memory, mirror drive, interior lighting.
9 Air conditioner, air and heater fan motor.
10 High beam, light switch
11 Radio and tape recorder.
12 Cigarette lighter Ford Aerostar, horn relay. Sound signal.
13 Dashboard lighting.
14 Not used.
15 Parking lights, license plate light.
16 Dashboard kit storage device.
17 Instrument set, compressor clutch.
18 Warning lamp and seat belt buzzer.

Fuse number 12 is responsible for the cigarette lighter

Related fuse diagrams
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