Toyota Sequoia 2008 model year received a new body and chassis. This is the second generation of the SUV to be marketed in the North American market. It premiered at the Los Angeles Auto Show in November 2007. It is still based on the full-size Tundra pickup. In this material, we will analyze in detail the fuse diagrams of Toyota Sequoia (XK60) and Tundra (XK50) 2nd generation 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 release.
Here you will find the locations and photos of the mounting blocks. Separately, we note the fuse responsible for the cigarette lighter and fuel pump.
In the engine compartment
Location of components: 1. ABS control unit; 2. Fuse box; 3. Headlight washer relay; 4. Engine control unit
In the passenger compartment
Location of components: 1. Distribution block (CAN LH # 2); 2. Distribution block (CAN LH # 1); 3. Control unit for the steering column tilt and height adjustment system; 4. Control unit for direction indicators; 5. Control unit of the distance control system; 6. Fuse box; 7. Control unit for body electrical equipment; 8. Distribution block No. 5; 9. Power steering control unit; 10. Distribution block No. 4; 11. Relay for reversing lamps; 12. Key transponder amplifier; 13. Key transponder control unit; 14. Air conditioner amplifier; 15. Four-wheel drive control unit; 16. Ride height control unit; 17. Power supply control unit; 18. Distribution block No. 3; 19. Distribution block No. 6; 20. Auxiliary relay; 21. Distribution block (CAN RH); 22. Tire pressure monitoring system control unit; 23. Audio amplifier; 24. Block of blocking of the selector of a transmission; 25. Distribution block # 7; 26. Central block of airbags
An example of access to a block.
Car body
Location of components: 1. Sunroof control unit; 2. Receiver of door lock; 3. Antenna and receiver of the tire pressure monitoring system; 4. Rear door control unit; 5. Seat folding control unit; 6. Rear door control unit; 7. Fuel pump control unit; 8. Seat folding control unit; 9. Air suspension control unit; 10. Control unit for mirrors